Thursday, January 30, 2020

Agrippina the Younger - Rome a symbol of strength Essay Example for Free

Agrippina the Younger Rome a symbol of strength Essay Rome a symbol of strength, empowerment and prosperity for many, leaving no doubt in modern historians thoughts that this utopia was one of the most prominent of the ancient era’s. One dynasty within this epoch stands out, as being one of the most provocative and influential was the Julio-Claudian dynasty. This period was introduced with the instigation of the emperor Julio Augustus, known as one of the most appreciated emperors in Roman history. After Augustus came the rulers Tiberius, Gaius Germanicus (Caligula), Claudius and Nero. With every new ruler the amount of power and wealth in the city swelled, some even say that it was the golden age of Roman literature and arts. Each of these power broker’s have one person in common, apart from imperial extravagance and notoriety, they all have felt the sting of Julia Agrippina’s manipulative powers (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2013). When studying Agrippina it is found that many of the sources do not retain a sympathetic view of the During the Julio-Claudian era Agrippina the younger only retained her power through the manipulation of her son, husband and peers. By doing this she made herself on the most powerful women in Rome. Growing up with the most loved general in Rome at that time, Agrippina was destined for greatness. In her teenage years the regrettable incident of her fathers passing occurred and the empire was left to Tiberius, during this time she was betrothed to Domitius Ahenobarbus, which she eventually bore a child with called Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus. Most sources state that she was forced into this marriage by the emperor Tiberius, a fact that is acknowledged by modern historian Donna Hurley when she states that Agrippina’s union with Cn.  Domitius Ahenobarbus was arranged by Tiberius. After this Hurley then goes on to state that it was practice for families of prominence in the ruling house to have the emperor arrange their marriages, which would explain why Agrippina was married at the tender age of thirteen. This period was probably one of the most controversial in Agrippina’s time as it instigated her impression that those in power were the ones with the most influence. Ask any of the historians of the Julio Claudian era how Julia Agrippina was able to come to such inordinate power, each will give you a different answer, but they all start with Agrippina’s relationship with her brother. By honoring his sisters Gaius Germanicus Caligula was reprimanded and made an easy target. These honors gave the three sisters unparalleled status, they included; making them honorary vestal virgins, inclusion in the annual vows for the allegiance to the emperor and the emperors safety, inclusion of in the preamble to proposals submitted to the senate, being depicted on coins and many other. An account, now considered unlikely to be true, is mentioned by Suetonius [in 1914: XXIV], â€Å"He (Caligula) lived in habitual incest with his sisters†¦ he is believed to have violated Drusilla when he was a minor†. The more realistic option is explored by Barrett, which states â€Å" Caligula would have looked for affection from his three sisters†¦ it was doubtless this affection that led to stories of incest with all three sisters†. This appeared as an opportunity for Agrippina to manipulate her way to becoming an influential power broker in that era. Agrippina’s sister Drusilla was Caligula’s favourite, and when he fell ill he immediately made her his heir, however this instigation was evaded as she died unexpectedly in AD 38, therefore Caligula reaped with grief deified his beloved sister making her the only woman to be deified in the Julio Claudian era. The controversy commenced when Agrippina’s husband, Domitius, died and the two remaining sisters conspired against Caligula, whom at the time was growing quite timeworn. This conspiracy was set about so the family could withhold its power and influence in the republic. Again, as before with Caligula the sisters were thought to have been involved in sexual relations with their brother-in-law, Marcus Lepidus, who according to Peter Roberts (2013, 165) was made heir in place of Drusilla. Putting his faith in the wrong man, Caligula eventually discovered a plot created by his much loved siblings and his beloved heir to get rid of him so as to make Lepidus the new emperor, whilst repaying the loyalty of Agrippina and her sister by allowing them to keep their status as when Caligula reigned. Due to the emperor’s sensitivity to conspiracies, the emperor eventually took heed of their plan and sentenced Lepidus to be put to death whilst sending Agrippina and her sister into exile to the Pontian Islands. The idea that Agrippina was grasping for power even then is backed up by the modern historian, Leadbetter, in his novel ‘The Ambition of Agrippina the Younger’ when he writes â€Å"Agrippina and Lepidus had formed a conspiracy to replace Caligula†¦ Thus Agrippina’s first attempt at seizing power long predated her marriage to Claudius†. Caligula’s growing greed was becoming a worry to the senate, and although they disapproved of him they offered him compassion so as to gain his trust. Eventually the Praetorian Guard was sent to dispose of him (Roberts. P, 2008). Claudius, Agrippina’s uncle, is mostly known for his eventual insanity, however many do not remember his extreme kindness to those whose faith had been entrusted unto him. When he assumed power his first course of action was to reinstate his two nieces back into the Roman community. His wife, named Messalina, assumed the same practice as Agrippina, and protected her own interests by divorcing her sick and time spent husband and joined C. Silius, next years appointed consul, in marriage. This, like Agrippina was executed to ensure her financial and social safety. This resembles the aforementioned conspiracy between the two sisters and Lepidus. Agrippina identifying this approach shamelessly begins to flirt with her uncle and plants the thought of Messalina’s betrayal in his mind. It was not long after this that the Praetorian Guard was sent to dispose of her. Due to Agrippina’s obvious flattery towards the withered emperor did not go unnoticed and Claudius who was expected to wed again soon chose his niece as he new bride. This created some uncomfortable tension in the senate, which arranged all imperial marriages, since it was forbidden to marry your niece. This however was overlooked since Agrippina’s father even then was still seen as an inspiration in the empire and would give the emperor favor of the people. The marriage also prevented Agrippina from marry another rival for the throne, thus eliminating any competition. After the two relatives were engaged a decree was passed to allow the matrimony between uncle and niece, a fact which is enforced by Cassius Dio in his book Roman History when he states â€Å"they [the senators] also passed a decree permitting Romans to wed their nieces, a union previously prohibited†. Like Messalina, Claudius showed the utmost fascination towards his new wife and granted her many extravagances, some which were only reserved for Goddesses. The most interesting is the five- layered sardonyx which depicts Claudius, Agrippina and her parents. This would have displayed to the public that the marriage of the emperor and his niece has kept a pure blood line and therefore is the better option for emperor, it also confirms the positive relationship between the much loved warrior and the emperor. Another interesting privilege for Agrippina is the ‘Sebasteion of Aphrodisias’ where a statue of her has been put in place. This was a temple created for the Gods and was put emplace for Augusts (Antiquity 2, 2008). This would create the image that Agrippina should be likened to the Gods and should be just as prominent in time as Augustus. Agrippina had such power of Claudius that she manipulated him to take in her son Domitius Ahenobarbus and make him heir to the throne. Claudius also changed his name to the better-known Nero Claudius Caesar. Agrippina was able to create prominence for Nero through the much used tactic patronage, which included the use of contacts and influence to achieve an objective. In Agrippina’s case her son to become emperor (Antiquity 2, 2008). These contacts, or clients, would assist the patrons by supporting and furthering the cause of the patron. Agrippina’s clients were Seneca, one who she had recalled from exile, and Burrus who she had made sole prefect, an ordeal which is seen in ‘The Annals of imperial Rome’ written by Tacitus which states These two men were expected to do whatever Agrippina wanted, and were expected to aid in hers and her sons rise to power. There is much dispute over whether Agrippina was responsible for the death of Claudius, the more likely idea is that she did kill him as it is stated by both Tacitus and Dio Cassius. When this ordeal was over, Nero was claimed the new emperor and to Agrippina’s delight was sculptured again in the ‘Sebasteion of Aphrodisias’ with Nero by her side. During Nero’s reign Agrippina was offered even more advantages then when Claudius reigned. She become priestess of Claudius’ cult and was offered two lictors, who were men which carried around the official emblems of the public office and would clear a path for her wherever she went (Antiquity 2, 2008). However this did not match the effervescent amount of coins that were minted with the mother and son to display the family’s power. In AD 69 the saddened occurrence of Agrippina’s demise surfaced. It was apparent, although not to the wider area of Rome, that Nero was responsible for her death. It seems that Nero had grown tired of his mothers controlling ways and decided that the only way he would be rid of it was to kill her. Agrippina was an independent strong held woman in a time where females were down trodden. She was not afraid to test the system and remained one of the most prominent women in the time of imperial Rome.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Aluminum Essay -- essays research papers

Aluminum, symbol Al, the most abundant metallic element in the earth's crust. The atomic number of aluminum is 13; the element is in group 13 (IIIa) of the periodic table. Hans Christian Orstead, Danish chemist, first isolated aluminum in 1825, using a chemical process involving potassium amalgam. Between 1827 and 1845, Friedrich WÃ ¶hler, a German chemist, improved Oersted's process by using metallic potassium. He was the first to measure the specific gravity of aluminum and show its lightness. In 1854 Henri Sainte-Claire Deville, in France, obtained the metal by reducing aluminum chloride with sodium. Aided by the financial backing of Napoleon III, Deville established a large-scale experimental plant and displayed pure aluminum at the Paris Exposition of 1855. Aluminum is a lightweight, silvery metal. The atomic weight of aluminum is 26.9815; the element melts at 660Â ° C (1220Â ° F), boils at 2467Â ° C (4473Â ° F), and has a specific gravity of 2.7. Aluminum is a strongly electropositive metal and extremely reactive. In contact with air, aluminum rapidly becomes covered with a tough, transparent layer of aluminum oxide that resists further corrosive action. For this reason, materials made of aluminum do not tarnish or rust. The metal reduces many other metallic compounds to their base metals. For example, when thermite (a mixture of powdered iron oxide and aluminum) is heated, the aluminum rapidly removes the oxygen from the iron; the heat of the reaction is sufficient to melt the iron. This phenomenon is used in the thermite process for welding iron . The oxide of aluminum is amphoteric—showing both acidic and basic properties. The most important compounds include the oxide, hydroxide, sulfate, and mixed sulfate compounds. Anhydrous aluminum chloride is important in the oil and synthetic-chemical industries. Many gemstones—ruby and sapphire, for example—consist mainly of crystalline aluminum oxide. Aluminum is the most abundant metallic constituent in the crust of the earth; only the nonmetals oxygen and silicon are more abundant. Aluminum is never found as a free metal; commonly as aluminum silicate or as a silicate of aluminum mixed with other metals such as sodium, potassium, iron, calcium, and magnesium. These silicates are not useful ores, for it is chemically difficult, and therefore an expensive process, to extract aluminum from them. bauxite an impure h... ...cling of such containers is an increasingly important energy-conservation measure. Aluminum's resistance to corrosion in salt water also makes it useful in boat hulls and various aquatic devices. A wide variety of coating alloys and wrought alloys can be prepared that give the metal greater strength, castability, or resistance to corrosion or high temperatures. Some new alloys can be used as armor plate for tanks, personnel carriers, and other military vehicles. In 1886 the world production of aluminum was less than 45 kg (less than 100 lb), and its price was more than $11 per kg (more than $5 per lb). In 1989, by contrast, the estimated world production of primary aluminum was 18 million metric tons and an estimated 4 million metric tons was produced in the United States alone, whereas the price of aluminum was less than $2 per kg. U.S. consumption, by major markets, consisted of containers and packaging, 31 percent; building and construction, 20 percent; transportation, 24 percent; electric equipment, 10 percent; consumer durables, 9 percent; and miscellaneous, 6 percent. In 1989, recycled aluminum accounted for over 20 percent of total aluminum consumption in the United States.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Frito Lay Company Essay

Let’s look at how the potato chip came to be. In 1853 the first potato chip was invented by a chef at the Saratoga Springs New York resort in 1853. It was created because one of the customers at the resort keep sending them back because they were too thick, soggy and had no taste to it. Crum then decided to fry them and sprinkled them with salt for taste. They were soon a regular item on the menu. Later, around the 1920’s they then moved from restaurants to being massed produced. Once they came up with a way to keep them fresh and from breaking up, they were able to put them into mass production 1920‘s. Frito Lay was created in 1938 by Herman Lay. Frito Lay is one of the leading potato chip companies in the United States for many years. They continue to post recording breaking numbers in all of their brands. One of their enduring brands is the Lays potato chips. These potato chips can be found in many different flavors. The currently are barbecue, sour cream and onion, ranch and many others. However, this industry is highly competitive and there are large manufactures that have many types of products and other snacks. Smaller companies have found a way to compete with the larger companies. These small companies have gained footing by introducing the new healthier chips that are now being sold in health food stores. A lot of concern about the Salt content is what enable smaller companies to compete. They focused on these healthier brands and have introduced a product that is totally opposite of the major brands. Lays has also added Dips to their brand. They currently consist of Ranch, French onion and etc. This was created because dip is consistently served with potato chips at events such as birthday parties, foot ball parties, luncheons and etc. Frito Lay Extended Enterprise Supply Chain Farm Manufacturer Warehouse/ Retailer Consumer Distributor When it comes to potato chips, the industries in the extended supply are few. The first industry is the farm where the potato chip comes from. They are currently located in cities like North Dakota, New England, Florida, Michigan, Texas and California and etc. They are also located in Central and South America, Brazil, Europe, in Leicester and Coventry England, Asia, Middle East & Africa and India. These farms have been picked for their potatoes that will be used in the making of the potato chip. Because a potato is something you can grow yourself, it is very easy to make potato chips. However, these potatoes are planted and treated with the utmost of care to produce a high quality product. The potatoes are grown and harvested and then they are shipped to a Frito-Lay plant. When they arrived the first thing they do is wash them. They are then peeled with the utmost care. Next they are then cut into slices and then rinsed again to remove particles produced from the cutting. They are then cooked in oils such as sunflower, canola and corn oil. These are very important because they are considered all-natural oils. They contain 0g trans fat and are considered lower in saturated fats. Once dried, they are then sprinkled with salt for taste. Because creating these potato chips is so simple they can be created in less than a day. Once they are packaged, they are then sent out to distributions centers worldwide. This is where the products are stored and then loaded on to trucks and then taken out to stores, gas stations, vending machines and etc. Frito lay currently markets to a wide variety of consumers. One consumer is high school teens and college age students. They have many different places where they consume the product. One of the ways in which they consume the product is in sports and entertainment areas such as movie theaters or sports stadiums. Another place it is being consumed is in the home. Frito Lay has focused on the snack side for many years. These are the type of people who would eat these snacks and did not care about their weight or being healthy. But recently, Frito Lay has changed to targeting more healthy consumers also. With the way the world is changing constantly, Frito-lay is always trying to keep up by targeting with the ever changing times. Because so many people are becoming health conscious, Frito-lay as also targeted this audience. They have come up with some products that allow the consumer to also focus on their health and physical appearance. In order for Frito-lay to stay competitive, it is apparent that they have to target this demographic also because in the recent years some of their snacks have been losing sales. Another of their target audience is the Hispanic market. Hispanic market are targeted because the chips can sometime be the meal or a side dish to the meal. Also this demographic is constantly growing in numbers and have become an important and influential part of society. Frito-Lay’s wholesale and distribution consumers are also a major business. They are the resellers such as retailers and wholesaler who buy Frito-Lay’s finished goods and resell them for a profit. Frito Lay also sells directly to large retailers and retail chains and through wholesalers to smaller retail units. Frito- Lays itself also targets big business customers of other companies. Lay’s identify prospective buyers, monitor current customers’ needs and levels of satisfactions, and personally attend to existing customers. Essentially, Frito lay’s target consumer consists of everyone. It consists of Frito-Lay constantly changing their product to keep up with the changing taste of the consumer. In getting the product to the consumer, Frito-Lay has experienced bottlenecks. This is usually seen with the individuals who deliver the product to the shelves. They are the individuals who places the product on the shelves for the consumer to buy. Obviously this is a very important part of getting the product to the consumer. Frito-lay found that the sales portions was hindering the driver getting the product to the stores on time. Therefore, they separated the two which helped tremendously. Conclusion: Frito-Lay’s new product development, advertising, and marketing efforts continues to help them to grow in the salty snack market. Frito-Lay’s measures economic activity which aids them in improving their organization. Their industrial production and manufacturing production had made them the leading snack food organization in the world. Frito-Lay continues to try and have an enormous amount of knowledge at its fingertips. It continues to ascertain seasonal local demand of each of its products and exactly how much inventory each store has at any time. By keeping track of this information, it helps to better plan seasonal and local promotions. By knowing specific inventory at each store, Frito-Lay could better plan and improve its routing and inventory systems. References: Çetinkaya, S., ÃÅ"ster, H., Easwaran, G., & Keskin, B. (2009). An Integrated Outbound Logistics Model for Frito-Lay: Coordinating Aggregate-Level Production and Distribution Decisions. Interfaces, 39(5), 460-475. Feld, C. S. (1990). Directed decentralization: the Frito Lay story. Financial Executive, 6(6), 22-25. â€Å"Frito-Lay History†. Frito-Lay North America, Inc.. Retrieved 4 January 2013 @ Jacobson, G. (1989). How Frito-Lay Stays in the Chips. Management Review, 78(12), 11.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Relationship Between The Church And The State - 1709 Words

The relationship between the Church and the State is a controversial topic that sparks great political discourse. Since the period of the Great Reformation in Europe to the contemporary religious and political establishments, suspicion and dishonesty continue to define the relationship between the Church and political leadership in the society. On one hand, the Church maintains its moral duty: to oppose and stand against any form of excessive use of political power, to cause suffering and create inequality in the society. On the other hand, the State accuses the Church of moral high-headedness and accuses it of using its position and influence in the society to breed disloyalty in the masses towards their political leaders. These scenarios†¦show more content†¦In fact, the priests seem to suggest that it is better to suffer and die quietly than to be caught up in a feud with the King, â€Å"I fear for the Archbishop, I fear for the Church† (Eliot 17). Indeed, the retu rn of Archbishop Thomas Becket signifies the resurrection of political upheaval and enmity between these two sides of leadership, and the priests become apprehensive of Beckets return (Cedars). The play is evident of central themes that reveal the political thinking of T.S. Eliot. The play seamlessly connects the past with the present revealing the religious act of ritual worship and prayer. Further, the play is the story of one man’s struggle through life confronting personal pride and self-will towards spiritual purity. Indeed, Eliot uses a systematic display of three entities to demonstrate the intricacies of the present discourse. Further, these themes are a reflection of Eliot’s political thinking. First, in the first part of the play, Eliot reveals the spiritual struggles and internal forces confronting Thomas Becket and how he overcomes these forces as seen in the Christmas Day sermon (Butcher). Secondly, the murder of the archbishop takes place in the second p art of the play and Eliot shows its meaning and effects on the folks of Canterbury (Butcher). Lastly, the end of the play shows the knights and the audience and the political justifications of Archbishop’s murder or death. Martyrdom is the act of dying forShow MoreRelatedThe Relationship Between State and Church Essay901 Words   |  4 PagesThus every person has the right to pray in school. When prayer was still allowed in school crime was at a low rate. Basically there was less crime everywhere. We consider the good ole days when basic morals were taught at home. When the difference between right and wrong was enforced. When family and religion was considered the most valuable and precious things to have. Now look at the mess we have created. 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